Medicine in Spain has held a privileged global position for a considerable number years now. Furthermore, the Spanish Healthcare System has been ranked among the Top Ten by WHO (World Health Organization). Medical teams from different institutions, hospitals and universities have made major advances in the fight against serious diseases and have developed new surgical techniques which have placed them at the forefront of medical research worldwide: from efficiently combating Cancer to carrying out particularly complicated transplants.
Owing to the aforementioned, interest in studying medicine and healthcare in Spain has increased. Currently, 10% of the doctors who are in the Spanish MIR system (specialist medical training) are foreigners, hailing from several different countries. Furthermore, hospitals in other parts of the world are eager to employ Spanish medical professionals in their countries.
The Canary Islands are also keeping pace, which was highlighted in a report on the European Union’s Outermost Regions by the European Commission, emphasising research and biomedical development among the most important activities.
The Canarian Health Service is one of the best medical services in the EU, as it has modern and efficient health resources: excellent private and public hospitals offering high quality healthcare, health centres for Primary Health Care on every island, Care Homes for the Elderly and Medical Research Centres.
In the Canaries, Health and Biomedical Research is supported by two universities: University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC) and University of La Laguna (ULL), whose medicine and health studies and biomedical engineering are of great importance. Our universities are attached to the most significant public hospitals and some of the private ones. Therefore, the learning process and research are augmented.
The most relevant Medical Research Centres are the following: Endoluminal Diagnosis and Therapy Centre (CDyTE in Spanish), Canary Islands Cancer Research Institute (ICIC in Spanish), Canary Islands Tropical Disease and Public Health Research Institute in Tenerife, Department of Pathology Research in Las Palmas, and Departments of Research at the Doctor Negrin Hospital (Gran Canaria), Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria Hospital (Tenerife), the Canary Islands University Hospital (HUC in Spanish), and Maternity Hospital in Gran Canaria (CHUIMI in Spanish).
The most determining fields of research and medical practice in the Canary Islands are the following: Cancer, Minimally Invasive Surgery, Infectious Diseases such as Respiratory Infections, Nutrition and Diabetes, among others.
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